LED Screen

Dairesel LED ekran

Mahsulot nomi: LED ekran
Ilova: Yopiq / Ochiq
Yorug'lik: yopiq 800-1200cd / ㎡ ochiq 5000-8000cd / ㎡
Diametri: 0.3m / 0.4m / 0.5m / 0.6m / 0.7m / 0.8m / 1m / 1.2m / 1.5m / 1.8m / 2m..... va hokazo.
Yetkazib beruvchi Turi: Original ishlab chiqaruvchi, ODM, Boshqa, OEM
Kelib chiqishi  : Xitoy
Kuchlanish: 90V-250V
foydalanish: Reklama nashr, xush kelibsiz displey, Majlis xonalari, savdo markazlari, Kontsertlar, cherkovlar, ko'rgazmalar
Piksel maydoni: 0.9mm / 1.2mm / 1.5mm / 1.5mm / 1.9mm / 2mm / 2.5mm / 2.6mm / 2.9mm / 3mm / 3.9mm / 4mm / 4.8mm / 5mm / 6mm / 8mm / 10mm
Yangilash tezligi:≥3840Hz-7680Hz
Boshqarish tizimi:Sinxron / Asenkron nazorat qilish tizimi
Qadoqlash: yog'och kassalar yoki parvoz kabineti

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Nega bizni tanlash
Mahsulot tafsilotlari
Mahsulot joriy etish
Modulning uslubi
Oʻrnatish jarayoni
Ko'p so'raladigan savollar
Q1: nazorat qilish tizimi nima? Bu qanday? A: We use Nova Taurus Series asynchronous control system. Support cluster play and management. Support APP/Phone/ WIFI/ Ipad/ Laptop/ PC/ Cloud control. It’s very easy and convenient to control. Q2: Men LED ekran uchun namuna tartibi bo'lishi mumkinmi? A: Yes, we welcome sample order to test and check quality. Mixed samples are acceptable. 3-savol: Mening logotipimni mahsulotga chop etish yaxshimi? A: Yes. Please inform us formally before our production and confirm the design firstly based on our sample. 4-savol: Sizning eng yaxshi xizmatingiz nima? 1: One to one sales engineer to customer responsibility system; 2. Know your project and provide the best solution for it; 3. Track your order and let you know each step and detail of it; 4. Teach you how to install and use the screen; 5. Care the subsequent use of your screen and ensure your after - sales service be well. 5-savol. Sizning etkazib berish vaqti haqida nima deyish mumkin? A: Generally, it will take 7-15 days after receiving your deposit. The specific delivery time depends on the items and the quantity of your order. 6-savol: Kafolat muddati haqida nima deyish mumkin? A: 2-year warranty. Structure design, installation problem, system problem, how to use the screen…don’t worry, we have professional after-sale team to solve your any questions after you placed an order. And your exclusive sales engineer will also help you get over any problems.

Piksel balandligiP1.25P1.53P1.667P1.86P1.9P2P2.5
Piksel zichligi640000 / m²422500 / m²360000 / m²289444 / m²277729 / m²250000 / m²160000 / m²
LED paketiSMD1010SMD1212SMD1212SMD1515SMD1515SMD1515SMD2020
Modulning oʻlchamiMoslashtirilgan
Modul ogʻirligi0.6kg + 0.01kg
Interfeys taʼrifiUya-16P
Kabinetning hajmiHar qanday diametrni moslash
Yorugʻlik600-7500cd / m²
Yangilash chastotasi7680Hz
Namlik10% ~ 95%
Ishlash kuchlanishiKiritish: AC 100V-240V, 50Hz / 60H, chiqish: DC 5V
Umr davomiyligi100000 soat

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